
Project brutality weapon skins pack for brutal doom v21 test
Project brutality weapon skins pack for brutal doom v21 test

project brutality weapon skins pack for brutal doom v21 test project brutality weapon skins pack for brutal doom v21 test

Freezing ray mode (activated by pressing RMB) sprays your enemies with liquid nitrogen, devastating but range limited attack. Ice missile mode (activated by pressing LMB) shoots chunks of ice at your enemies, which can fly quite far and inflict moderate amounts of damage. About a hundred of units were developed in total, the majority's inteded for UAC's in-house purposes and a small amount for private contractors. That's about more than enough to freeze everything and anything, hell included.

project brutality weapon skins pack for brutal doom v21 test

While this weapon was not originally intended to be used in combat, but rather as a portable utility for freezing (and thus stabilizing) the transportation of toxic waste, the Cryogenic Dispersion rifle is capable of converting the plasma into liquid nitrogen, which clocks in at roughly -196 C.

Project brutality weapon skins pack for brutal doom v21 test